Friday 4 February 2011

On the right track

I've had the day off work today so have taken the opportunity to sneak in another training run (oh yes, I really know how to live ;-) ).

As lovely Mark was off work as well, he obligingly came along with me again and we revisited my first route: the old railway line (just as before: relatively flat... picturesque... lots of people walking dogs).

This time I set myself the challenge of running right to the end of the track before turning back and, despite the usual feeling about 1K in that 'Ugh! This is too hard!', I made it there and back again without too much trouble.

If I'm honest, when I first started out I was expecting this blog to be a bit of a whinge-fest. I was expecting to be constantly complaining about how difficult all this running malarkey is and needing huge amounts of encouragement to keep me on track. Bizarrely, though, this doesn't seem to be the case in reality. I'm actually (and this is the really really surprising thing) quite enjoying myself.

But hey, we're still only three runs in... ;-)


Distance: 5.9K
Time: 52 minutes 35 seconds
Average K pace: 8 minutes 54 seconds

1 comment:

Mark said...

An excellent run - and I enjoyed it very much :-)