Sunday 13 February 2011

The Lone Runner

Yesterday I went for my first ever run *all by myself*.

Mark was at the football and I'm going to have to drive to Wales today so I decided to bite the bullet and just take myself out for a run.

I settled on the forest again, same route as last time.

The mud was even worse this time and I actually had to stop twice because I couldn't physically run in the stuff.

Despite this, however, I somehow managed to beat last week's time! Even getting distracted by a falcon at one point didn't slow me up too much (?!).

The final hill really was a killer though. Halfway up, I suddenly decided to take a look at my watch and see how I was doing time-wise. After the muddy-walking-saga, I was fully expecting to be way over 30 mins. Imagine my surprise, then, to find that I was actually making better time than last week.

Immediately I took things up a notch (despite being unbelievably knackered and halfway up an almost vertical slope) and the last few (steep!) yards of the run were like torture.

As soon as I reached the end, I collapsed onto a nearby wall. I felt sick. Really sick. In fact, I was genuinely concerned that I was going to throw up all over a passing family walking their dog.

But a few deep breaths later, the feeling had passed and I just felt my usual post-run-knackered self.

As I was trying to motivate myself to stand up, a woman walked past me and I heard her say to her friend 'Oh my God, she's just run up that hill...!'

For some reason, this made me feel rather proud of myself!

Distance: 3.4K
Time: 28 minutes 50 seconds
Average K pace: 8 minutes 28 seconds


Mark said...

Well done on going for a run on your own. It's actually one of the things I like most about running - just being alone, going where I fancy, for a while. The forest is a nice, safe, place to run. Glad you are enjoying yourself so far :-)

Anonymous said...

Just been reading through your sounds like you're doing really well! It takes a lot of determination to push past the comfort zone. Al xx

Hayley said...

Thanks both of you :-) xxxx