Wednesday 25 May 2011

You are what you eat

So I really must learn to stop eating dauphinois potatoes the night before a long run...

(Not that I *turn into* a creamy-potato-mush person or anything - I just get horrid indigestion).

The plan had been to attempt a 12K run, which would take me quite a distance away from home. However, about 2K in, I started experiencing that all too familiar sensation that feels like someone is slowly and carefully emptying a small mug of acid inside my stomach at sporadic intervals. Ouch.

As a result, the plan had to be revised a little and I ended up staying close to home, running through parks and housing estates and past allotments.

Despite the acidy-ouchiness, I still managed to run 10K and, by some insane miracle, I actually completed this distance in a considerably faster time than the previous weekend.

Now, I'm confused. Does this mean that I *should* give myself indigestion???

Anyway, stats for this run:

Distance: 10.27K
Time: 1 hour 26 minutes 27 seconds
Average K pace: 8 minutes 25 seconds

p.s. My next big run is probably going to be the Big Day itself - wish me luck!!!!

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