Monday 30 May 2011

Less than a week to go!

There are now only six days to go before The Big One (as I've taken to calling it). Eek!!

Yesterday, I took myself on a mini-run (roughly 3.5K - I didn't have the magic watch, though, so can't be sure) just to keep everything (hopefully) ticking along nicely.

I still ended up getting a stitch (stitches seem to be the story of my running life!) but, as it started a few yards away from my front door, I wasn't overly concerned. I did have a moment of feeling a bit panicked about how knackered I was after only 3K (only??) because, well, I'm going to have to run more than four times this distance on Sunday (!!). Then again, 3K generally is my moment of feeling that way no matter what distance I'm running so I probably shouldn't read too much into it. I always end up getting over it eventually and 'settling into' the run. Plus, I will have Mark with me next weekend and I'm sure he'll have no qualms about giving me a push if I start whining that I'm tired!

I don't really have stats for this run, as both the distance and time are approximations. I think I've got to the stage now that it doesn't really matter in any case!

By the way, if you haven't sponsored me and would like to, there is still time. You can find my sponsorship page here and any contributions would be hugely appreciated :-).

This *could* be my last blog post before the race...

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