Sunday 27 March 2011

Ow ow ow ow ow!

Oh dear, it was all going so well...

This morning I set out with the intention of doing another 5-miler, hoping (in vain, as it turns out) to recreate the dizzy success of a fortnight ago.

Unfortunately, my malfunctioning body had other ideas.

I'd gone about 5K and was feeling fine and, dare I say it, fairly comfortable when I was struck with this horrible griping pain just under my ribs on both sides of my torso. It was sort of like a bad stitch, but not, and I slowed right down to a ridiculously slow pace while I waited for it to go away (poor Mark was just walking alongside me at this point, freezing half to death).

But annoyingly it didn't go away: it just got worse.

So at just 5.98K (rather than the 8K I was going for), I realised that it wasn't going to get any better and that it was time to stop being so blinking stubborn about it. Feeling pretty hard done by (and really cold!), I walked the last 2K home.

I don't know what the problem was. Mark says that sometimes everyone just has bad running days (like bad hair days!) and that I shouldn't worry about it.

Oh well, hopefully things will work out better next time :-).

Here are the stats for this run:

Distance: 5.98K
Time: 56 minutes 27 seconds
Average K pace: 9 minutes 26 seconds


Carrie said...

Ouch, sounds horribly uncomfortable, hope you're okay today and no ill-effects? Just caught up with your blog, it's taken a while and I feel suitably guilty as the friend who came to stay and led you astray prior to your Feb post - not the first time I've been a v bad diet influence I'm afraid! Hope you manage to get back out pounding the pavements soon!

Hayley said...

Hi Carrie! Thanks for commenting :-). I do feel a bit better now, thanks - hopefully it will have gone away completely by the time I do my next training run.

Oh please don't feel guilty about the lovely meal - as I said in that blog, it was totally worth it!! Yum yum yum... x