Saturday 15 January 2011

Behold my Master Plan!

Ok, so I know I gave 2 January 2011 as my estimated ‘going live’ date and that today is clearly not 2 January 2011. It’s not even that close to 2 January 2011.

But, in my defence, I was in bed with the flu on 2 January 2011, along with the days before and after it, and physical exercise was the last thing on my mind. In fact, the only thing that seemed to be on my mind at all was Peep Show, which I kept having weird, feverish deliriums about.

Anyway, dragging myself back on topic…

I may not have achieved my desired launch date but this is by no means an indication that I have fallen at the first hurdle. No indeed. The Plan is still in place and I am fully committed to seeing it through (even if I’m not feeling wholly enthusiastic at this stage).

Right, to summarise: The Plan is to train for the Great Midlands Fun Run (an 8 mile course), which is taking place on Sunday 5 June 2011. Along the way, I hope to raise some money for Mencap, which will go towards helping to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities and their families. That, in short, is The Plan.

Now 8 miles might not seem like a particularly colossal distance (especially not to someone like Mark (my partner) who regularly goes on longer runs than that just for ‘fun’ (?)) but if you’re me (and I am), it really is, trust me. Which means I’m going to have to put in a correspondingly colossal effort if I’m going to have any hope of seeing this through.

My life circumstances don’t really allow me a huge amount of free time for scampering about the countryside in running shoes, so my current plan is to go on at least one training run a week (probably during weekends and hopefully with Mark in tow to drag, I mean encourage, me). I can then use the cross trainer at home during the week to keep my general fitness levels up.

That, at least, is my aspiration. Whether or not this will actually be reflected in reality remains to be seen.

At the moment, I am still recovering from the last remnants of the flu so have been holding off getting started.

Hopefully by the next time I post here, I will have some progress (however minimal) to report.

Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

Woo! Go Hayl!

Graeme H said...

Good luck Hayl.
Get a Wii balance board as well - loads on there to improve fitness and for 8K you will need around 2 hours of stamina.
How do we sponsor you?
Love Dad

Hayley said...

Gillian - Thanks!!

Graeme H - it's 8 miles, not 8K! I haven't set up my sponsorshire page yet, as registration hasn't opened for the run. You can be sure that when I *have* got my sponsorship page up and running I will be letting absolutely everyone know ;-)